Independence Day is back! It's that time of year where we can say happy birthday to the USA for the 237th time! What is Independence Day? What does it mean to American people? Well, Independence Day is a celebratory occasion to commemorate the glorious event of the formation of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4th 1776. This day marks the freedom and the independence of the USA from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The concept of American independence was originally agreed by the American Congress on July 2nd 1776, before signing on to the Declaration of Independence two days later. However, the Declaration was principally brought forward by Thomas Jefferson and his Committee of Five. The date itself symbolises the hard-earned freedom of the American people, and so is celebrated by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Independence day was made a paid national holiday in the USA since 1938, and is a time for fireworks, parties, speeches and ceremonies, with people dressing in relevant, fun and patriotic costumes, featuring face paints and
American top hats!
Some communities celebrate the occasion with the common waving of the
American flag, dancing, music, and carnivals featuring hotdog eating competitions and one legged races!

If July 4th falls on a weekend, they are observed on other days. For example, when July 4th falls on a Saturday, it tends to be celebrated on Friday 3rd - similarly it is celebrated on Monday 5th when falling on a Sunday. This year, Independence day falls on a Thursday. Coincidentally, two of the Founding Fathers who proposed the Declaration, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, died precisely 50 years after the approval of the Declaration, on July 4th 1826!
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