Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Where's Wally - Have you found him?

W                                                               W
    H                                                         A
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The Where's Wally?, character was originally published in the United States and Canada, and is a series of children's books, which were created by British illustrator Martin Handford. The readers of the Where's Wally books have to find Wally, who is a world traveller and time traveller within the many illustrations.
Wally wears a distinctive red and white striped shirt, bobble hat and glasses, but is hidden in groups in the pictures. There is quite often "red herrings", within these pictures, which sometimes use red and white striped objects, making it even harder to locate Wally.

The first Where's Wally book was published in 1987 in the UK, and has expanded into many different storylines, including a TV Series, a Comic Strip Strip and Video Games.

Wally originally wandered alone and could be found in every page of the books, but over time more and more characters have appeared. They are Wilma, Wenda, and Woof who is Wenda's dog.

There is also Wizard Whitebeard, who you can easily recognise by his long white beard and it is Wizard Whitebeard who sends Wally on all of his quests. There is also Odlaw, who is Wally's enemy and he is noticeable by his yellow and black shirt, his glasses have a blue tint to them and he has a moustache. If you spell Odlaw backwards, it spells Waldo, this used to be Wallys original name.

There is also the famous Wally Watcher's, there are 99 of them and they appear where ever Wally is.

At Party Tracker, we are great Wally Watcher's and love nothing better than to host Wally theme parties, where we send out Wheres Wally Impossible Invitations, and then decorate our party tables with Wheres Wally Tricky Table Covers, and Wheres Wally Perplexing Paper Plates.  So for all you Wally Watcher's out there, visit our website for your Wheres Wally partyware and accessories.


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