Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Christmas Nativity Play Ideas and Nativity Costumes for Children

C H R I S T M A S  N A T I V I T Y  P L A Y S
It is the season that people love, Christmas, with family get together and entertaining, parties, and at the same time the much looked forward to but also on the other hand dreaded School Christmas Nativity Play.
The Nativity Plays are a much loved and traditional part of Christmas in primary school's across the UK for parents and local people associated with the school to enjoy.
The traditional Nativity Play recreates the scene of Jesus 'Birth' in the stables, and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the The Angels, The Shepherds and the Three Wise Men. Also, in the past live animals were used, ox's and donkeys and various other farm animals, but these days the children dress up as Mary and Joseph, The Angels, The Shepherds and the Three Wise Men. The children also dress up as animals or use animal props for their nativity plays.
Historically, the first nativity play was not performed by children, but by monks in a cave in Italy. St Francis of Assisi performed the first nativity play in 1223 to remind people that Jesus was born to a poor family like them and not a rich family.
St Francis, played all the parts of the play himself using wooden figures, but after a couple of years other people played the parts of the characters and songs where sung, which they now call carols.
In Malta and Italy the crib is the most important decoration of Christmas. The City of Napels in Italy have decorated houses and churches with cribs since the 1020's. long before St Francis performed his first nativity play.
Napels is home to the worlds largest nativity crib scene. It is in the 'Museo Nazionale di S. Martino' and has 162 people, 80 animals, angels, and 450 small objects.
At Party Tracker we have a wide and varied selection of festive fancy dress costumes and accessories. This is the season that is busy from decorating the house, Christmas shopping, and attending all the Christmas events, and plays. To take the stress out of sewing or searching the shops with all the crowds of people in the cold, we already have a boys shepherd costume, a childs donkey costume, a girls angel costume and many more kids nativity costumes and accessories in stock, that are ideal for any Christmas Nativity Play.

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